Next Meeting Emerging Wedding Photographers

Hello emerging wedding photographers! My seminar meetings are back ON since the last one was postponed due to our house fire/lightning STRIKE!  The meeting is not just open to ‘wedding’ photographers, but the topics are geared toward that.

ONLY 20 13 SPACES AVAILABLE. Please add your name in the comments below so I have a head count.

Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 13 at 6:30pm to 9pm. Juice, coffee and other snacks provided. And the meeting is FREE! Bring your PASSION. Join like minded individuals and 10 of your best images. Meeting at my studio/office- 25111 Arrow Glen, San Antonio.

Topics: My Workflow in Lightroom 4 and Photoshop. Getting the best images. We will discuss and show on big screen my Lightroom and Photoshop. Including calibrating your screen, color correction, folder structures, using Totally Rad Presets and my full post production workflow. You can bring your laptops with you too.

What else would you like to know? We can discuss.

Leave comments below and SHARE this with your fellow photographer friends.